green bin for food scraps and garden waste
green bin for food scraps and garden waste
Your green bin is emptied weekly.
Put it out for collection every week, even if it’s not full.
Keep these OUT of your green bin
When truck loads of green bin contents are hand sorted at speed, it is difficult for workers to tell the difference between compostable, biodegradable or plastic bags. Some compostable bags also take far longer to break down than our organics system, and still come out looking like bags! Bags end up being removed from the composting process, or worse – having the whole load treated as contamination! Degradable and biodegradable bags can contain plastic and heavy metals and that are not suitable for composting or microbial treatment.
The first stage of processing involves shredding the contents before it is placed into composting bays. When a plastic bag goes through the shredder, it is ripped into many small pieces, and it is impossible to remove.
Plastic bags of any kind can mean an entire load of compost is contaminated and sent to landfill.
What a waste!
Why can't we compost plastic bags of any kind?
What goes IN your
green bin
Tips for a great green bin
• Layer grass clippings with food scraps
• Keep your green bin in the shade if you can
• Keep the lid tightly closed to keep out pests and flies
• Put your bin out every week for collection, even if it’s not full
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